module folktale/result

A data structure that models the result of operations that may fail. A Result helps with representing errors and propagating them, giving users a more controllable form of sequencing operations than that offered by constructs like try/catch.


A data structure that models the result of operations that may fail. A Result helps with representing errors and propagating them, giving users a more controllable form of sequencing operations than that offered by constructs like try/catch.

A Result may be either an Ok(value), which contains a successful value, or an Error(value), which contains an error.


const Result = require('folktale/result');
const { union, derivations } = require('folktale/adt/union');

const DivisionErrors = union('division-errors', {
  DivisionByZero(dividend) {
    return { dividend };

const { DivisionByZero } = DivisionErrors;

const divideBy = (dividend, divisor) => 
  divisor === 0 ?  Result.Error(DivisionByZero(dividend))
: /* otherwise */  Result.Ok(Math.floor(dividend / divisor));

divideBy(4, 2);
// ==> Result.Ok(2)

divideBy(4, 0);
// ==> Result.Error(DivisionByZero(4))

Why use Result?

Sometimes functions fail, for many reasons: someone might have provided an unexpected value to it, the internet connection might have gone down in the middle of an HTTP request, the database might have died. Regardless of which reason, we have to handle these failures. And, of course, we'd like to handle failures in the simplest way possible.

In JavaScript you're often left with two major ways of dealing with these failures: a branching instruction (like if/else), or throwing errors and catching them.

To see how Result compares to these, we'll look at a function that needs to validate some information, and that incorporates some more complex validation rules. A person may sign-up for a service by providing the form they would prefer being contacted (email or phone), and the information related to that preference has to be provided, but any other info is optional:

// Functions to assert the format of each data
const isValidName  = (name)  => name.trim() !== '';
const isValidEmail = (email) => /(.+)@(.+)/.test(email);
const isValidPhone = (phone) => /^\d+$/.test(phone);

// Objects representing each possible failure in the validation
const { union, derivations } = require('folktale/adt/union');

const ValidationErrors = union('validation-errors', {
  Required(field) {
    return { field };

  InvalidEmail(email) {
    return { email };

  InvalidPhone(phone) {
    return { phone };

  InvalidType(type) {
    return { type };

  Optional(error) {
    return { error };

const { 
} = ValidationErrors;

Branching stops being a very feasible thing after a couple of cases. It's very simple to forget to handle failures (often with catastrophic effects, as can be seen in things like NullPointerException and the likes), and there's no error propagation, so every part of the code has to handle the same error over and over again:

const validateBranching = ({ name, type, email, phone }) => {
  if (!isValidName(name)) {
    return Required('name');
  } else if (type === 'email') {
    if (!isValidEmail(email)) {
      return InvalidEmail(email);
    } else if (phone && !isValidPhone(phone)) {
      return Optional(InvalidPhone(phone));
    } else {
      return { type, name, email, phone };
  } else if (type === 'phone') {
    if (!isValidPhone(phone)) {
      return InvalidPhone(phone);
    } else if (email && !isValidEmail(email)) {
      return Optional(InvalidEmail(email));
    } else {
      return { type, name, email, phone };
  } else {
    return InvalidType(type);

  name: 'Max',
  type: 'email',
  phone: '11234456'
// ==> InvalidEmail(undefined)

  name: 'Alissa',
  type: 'email',
  email: 'alissa@somedomain'
// ==> { type: 'email', name: 'Alissa', email: 'alissa@somedomain', phone: undefined }

Exceptions (with the throw and try/catch constructs) alleviate this a bit. They don't solve the cases where you forget to handle a failure—although that often results in crashing the process, which is better than continuing but doing the wrong thing—, but they allow failures to propagate, so fewer places in the code need to really deal with the problem:

const id = (a) => a;

const assertEmail = (email, wrapper=id) => {
  if (!isValidEmail(email)) {
    throw wrapper(InvalidEmail(email));

const assertPhone = (phone, wrapper=id) => {
  if (!isValidPhone(phone)) {
    throw wrapper(InvalidEmail(email));

const validateThrow = ({ name, type, email, phone }) => {
  if (!isValidName(name)) {
    throw Required('name');
  switch (type) {
    case 'email':
      if (phone)  assertPhone(phone, Optional);
      return { type, name, email, phone };

    case 'phone':
      if (email)  assertEmail(email, Optional);
      return { type, name, email, phone };

      throw InvalidType(type);

try {
    name: 'Max',
    type: 'email',
    phone: '11234456'
} catch (e) {
  e; // ==> InvalidEmail(undefined)

  name: 'Alissa',
  type: 'email',
  email: 'alissa@somedomain'
// ==> { type: 'email', name: 'Alissa', email: 'alissa@somedomain', phone: undefined }

On the other hand, the error propagation that we have with throw doesn't tell us much about how much of the code has actually been executed, and this is particularly problematic when you have side-effects. How are you supposed to recover from a failure when you don't know in which state your application is?

Result helps with both of these cases. With a Result, the user is forced to be aware of the failure, since they're not able to use the value at all without unwrapping the value first. At the same time, using a Result value will automatically propagate the errors when they're not handled, making error handling easier. Since Result runs one operation at a time when you use the value, and does not do any dynamic stack unwinding (as throw does), it's much easier to understand in which state your application should be.

Using Result, the previous examples would look like this:

const Result = require('folktale/result');

const checkName = (name) =>
  isValidName(name) ?  Result.Ok(name)
: /* otherwise */      Result.Error(Required('name'));

const checkEmail = (email) =>
  isValidEmail(email) ?  Result.Ok(email)
: /* otherwise */        Result.Error(InvalidEmail(email));

const checkPhone = (phone) =>
  isValidPhone(phone) ?  Result.Ok(phone)
: /* otherwise */        Result.Error(InvalidPhone(phone));

const optional = (check) => (value) =>
  value           ?  check(value).mapError(Optional)
: /* otherwise */    Result.Ok(value);

const maybeCheckEmail = optional(checkEmail);
const maybeCheckPhone = optional(checkPhone);

const validateResult = ({ name, type, email, phone }) =>
  checkName(name).chain(_ => 
    type === 'email' ?  checkEmail(email).chain(_ =>
                          maybeCheckPhone(phone).map(_ => ({
                            name, type, email, phone

  : type === 'phone' ?  checkPhone(phone).chain(_ =>
                          maybeCheckEmail(email).map(_ => ({
                            name, type, email, phone

  : /* otherwise */     Result.Error(InvalidType(type))

  name: 'Max',
  type: 'email',
  phone: '11234456'
// ==> Result.Error(InvalidEmail(undefined))

  name: 'Alissa',
  type: 'email',
  email: 'alissa@somedomain'
// ==> Result.Ok({ name: 'Alissa', type: 'email', phone: undefined, email: 'alissa@somedomain' })

So, Results give you simpler and more predictable forms of error handling, that still allow error propagation and composition to happen, as with regular JavaScript exceptions, at the cost of some additional syntactical overhead, since JavaScript does not allow one to abstract over syntax.

Working with Result values

A Result value may be one of the following cases:

  • Ok(value) — represents a successful value (e.g.: the correct return value from a function).

  • Error(value) — represents an unsuccessful value (e.g.: an error during the evaluation of a function).

Functions that may fail just return one of these two cases instead of failing. That is, instead of writing something like this:

//: (Number, Number) => Number throws DivisionByZero
const divideBy1 = (dividend, divisor) => {
  if (divisor === 0) {
    throw new Error('Division by zero');
  } else {
    return dividend / divisor;

divideBy1(6, 3); // ==> 2

One would write something like this:

const Result = require('folktale/result');

//: (Number, Number) => Result DivisionByZero Number
const divideBy2 = (dividend, divisor) => {
  if (divisor === 0) {
    return Result.Error('Division by zero');
  } else {
    return Result.Ok(dividend / divisor);

divideBy2(6, 3); // ==> Result.Ok(2)

The function returns a value of the type Result <error-type> <success-type>, which is quite similar to the first version of the function, with the difference that the error is made into a real value that the function returns, and as such can be interacted with in the same way one interacts with any other object in the language.

Because the value is wrapped in the Result structure, in order to use the value one must first unwrap it. Folktale's Result provides methods to help with this, and they can be divided roughly into 3 categories:

  • Sequencing computations: A Result is the result of a computation that can fail. Sometimes we want to run several computations that may fail in sequence, and these methods help with that. This is roughly the equivalent of ; in imperative programming, where the next instruction is only executed if the previous instruction succeeds.

  • Transforming values: Sometimes we get a Result value that isn't quite the value we're looking for. We don't really want to change the status of the computation (errors should continue to be errors, successes should continue to be successes), but we'd like to tweak the resulting value a bit. This is the equivalent of applying functions in an expression.

  • Extracting values: Sometimes we need to pass the value into things that don't really know what a Result is, so we have to somehow extract the value out of the structure. These methods help with that.

We'll see each of these categories in more details below.

Sequencing computations

Because Result is used for partial functions which may fail in, possibly, many different ways a common use case for the structure is combining all of these functions such that only successful values flow through.

You can sequence computations in this manner with the Result structure by using the .chain method. The method takes as argument a single function that will receive the value in the Result structure, and must return a new Result structure, which then becomes the result of the method. Only successful values flow through the function argument, errors are just propagated to the result immediately.

As an example, imagine we want to parse an integer. Integers are basically a sequence of many digits, but we can start smaller and try figuring out how we parse a single digit:

const Result = require('folktale/result');

const isDigit = (character) =>

const digit = (input) => {
  const character = input.slice(0, 1);
  const rest = input.slice(1);

  return isDigit(character) ?  Result.Ok([character, rest])
  :      /* otherwise */       Result.Error(`Expected a digit (0..9), got "${character}"`);

// ==> Result.Ok(['0', '12'])

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), got "a"')

So far our parser correctly recognises the first digit in a sequence of characters, but to parse integers we need it to recognise more than one digit. We can also only proceed to the next character if the first one succeeds (otherwise we already know it's not an integer!).

If we have a fixed number of digits that would look like the following:

const twoDigits = (input) =>
  digit(input).chain(([char1, rest]) =>
    digit(rest).map(([char2, rest]) =>
      [char1 + char2, rest]

// ==> Result.Ok(['01', '2'])

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), got "a"')

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), got "a"')

We can generalise this to arbitrary numbers of digits by writing a recursive function:

const digits = (input) =>
  input === '' ?   Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), but there was nothing to parse')
: /* otherwise */  digit(input).chain(([character, rest]) =>
                     rest === '' ?  Result.Ok(character)
                   : /* else */     digits(rest).chain(characters =>
                                      Result.Ok(character + characters)

// ==> Result.Ok('012')

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), got "a"')

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), got "a"')

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), but there was nothing to parse')

While the recursive .chain can be used when performing an arbitrary number of computations, it should be noted that it may grow the stack of calls in a JavaScript implementation beyond what that implementation supports, resulting in a Max Call Stack Size Exceeded error.

Finally, parsing should give us a number instead of a string, so that string needs to be converted. Since we already ensured that the resulting string only has digits, the conversion from String to Number can never fail, but we can still use .chain if we always return a Result.Ok:

const integer = (input) =>
  digits(input).chain(x => Result.Ok(Number(x)));

// ==> Result.Ok(12)

// ==> Result.Error('Expected a digit (0..9), got "a"')

Transforming values

Sometimes we want to transform just the value that is inside of a Result, without touching the context of that value (whether the Result is a success or an error). In the previous section, the integer transformation is a good example of this. For these cases, the .map method can be used instead of the .chain method:

const Result = require('folktale/result');

// ==> Result.Ok(12)

Note that, like .chain, the .map method only runs on successful values, thus it propagates failures as well:

// ==> Result.Error('012')

Extracting values

While one can always just put all the rest of a computation inside of a .chain, sometimes it may be preferrable to extract the value out of a Result structure instead. For these cases there's a .getOrElse method:

const Result = require('folktale/result');

Result.Ok(1).getOrElse('not found');
// ==> 1

Result.Error(1).getOrElse('not found');
// ==> 'not found'

Additionally, if one doesn't care about whether the value failed or succeeded, the .merge method just returns whatever value is wrapped in the Result:

// ==> 1

// ==> 1

Error handling

Since the purpose of a Result structure is to represent failures, we need to be able to handle these failures in some way. The .getOrElse method gives us some very specific and limited form of error handling, but if we want to do something in order to recover from an error, this doesn't help us much.

For a more general form of error handling, the Result structure provides the .orElse method. This works pretty much in the same way .chain does, except it invokes the function on errors (successes are propagated):

const Result = require('folktale/result');

const parseNumber = (input) =>
  isNaN(input) ?   Result.Error(`Not a number: ${input}`) 
: /* otherwise */  Result.Ok(Number(input));

const parseBool = (input) =>
  input === 'true'  ?  Result.Ok(true)
: input === 'false' ?  Result.Ok(false)
: /* otherwise */      Result.Error(`Not a boolean: ${input}`);

const parseNumberOrBool = (input) =>
    .orElse(_ => parseBool(input));

// ==> Result.Ok(13)

// ==> Result.Ok(true)

// ==> Result.Error('Not a boolean: foo')

As with successes' .map, one may also transform the failure value of a Result without changing the context of the computation by using the .mapError method:

const parseNumberOrBool2 = (input) =>
    .orElse(_ => parseBool(input))
    .mapError(_ => `Not a number or boolean: ${input}`);

// ==> Result.Error('Not a number or boolean: foo')

Pattern matching

As with other union structures in Folktale, Result provides a .matchWith() method to perform a limited form of pattern matching. Pattern matching allows one to specify a piece of code for each case in a structure, like an if/else or switch, but specific to that structure.

We could use .matchWith() to run different computations depending on whether a MResult value represents a success or a failure, for example, without the requirement of having to return a Result:

const Result = require('folktale/result');

  Ok:    ({ value }) => `Ok: ${value}`,
  Error: ({ value }) => `Error: ${value}`
// ==> 'Ok: 1'

  Ok:    ({ value }) => `Ok: ${value}`,
  Error: ({ value }) => `Error: ${value}`
// ==> 'Error: 1'

How does Result compare to Validation?

Result and Validation are pretty close structures. They both try to represent whether a particular thing has failed or succeeded, and even their vocabulary is very similar (Error vs. Failure, Ok vs. Success). The major difference is in some of their methods.

A Result is a data structure that implements the Monad interface (.chain). This makes Result a pretty good structure to model a sequence of computations that may fail, where a computation may only run if the previous computation succeeded. In this sense, a Result's .chain method is very similar to JavaScript's ; at the end of statements: the statement at the right of the semicolon only runs if the statement at the left did not throw an error.

A Validation is a data structure that implements the Applicative interface (.apply), and does so in a way that if a failure is applied to another failure, then it results in a new validation that contains the failures of both validations. In other words, Validation is a data structure made for errors that can be aggregated, and it makes sense in the contexts of things like form validations, where you want to display to the user all of the fields that failed the validation rather than just stopping at the first failure.

Validations can't be as easily used for sequencing operations because the .apply method takes two validations, so the operations that create them must have been executed already. While it is possible to use Validations in a sequential manner, it's better to leave the job to Result, a data structure made for that.


Comparing and testing


Tests if an arbitrary value is a Result instance.




Constructs a Result holding an Ok value.


Converting from other types

fromMaybe(aMaybe, failureValue)

A convenience method for the folktale/conversions/maybe-to-result module.


A convenience method for the folktale/conversions/nullable-to-result module.


A convenience method for the folktale/conversions/validation-to-result module.

Handling errors

try: _try(f)

Runs a function that may raise an exception, trapping it. Returns an Ok with the return value of the function, if it has finished successfully, or an Error with the raised exception.



fromJSON(value, parsers = { [typeName]: adt }, keysIndicateType = false)

Parses a JavaScript object previously serialised as aResult.toJSON() into a proper Result structure.




Constructs a Result whose value represents a failure.


Constructs a Result whose value represents a success.


Source Code

Defined in source/result/index.js at line 18, column 0
  Error: Result.Error,
  Ok: Result.Ok,
  hasInstance: Result.hasInstance,
  of: Result.of,
  fromJSON: Result.fromJSON,
  [typeSymbol]: Result[typeSymbol],
  try: require('./try'),

   * type: |
   *   forall a: (a or None) => Result None a
  fromNullable(aNullable) {
    return require('folktale/conversions/nullable-to-result')(aNullable);

   * type: |
   *   forall a, b: (Validation a b) => Result a b
  fromValidation(aValidation) {
    return require('folktale/conversions/validation-to-result')(aValidation);

   * type: |
   *   forall a, b: (Maybe b, a) => Result a b
  fromMaybe(aMaybe, failureValue) {
    return require('folktale/conversions/maybe-to-result')(aMaybe, failureValue);
(c) 2013-2017 Quildreen Motta, and CONTRIBUTORS
  • Quildreen Motta
  • Quildreen Motta <> (