Transforms both successful and failure values in a Future, without touching its state.
(Future 'f 's).(('f) => 'f2, ('s) => 's2) => Future 'f2 's2
Transforms both successful and failure values in a Future, without touching its state.
const { of, rejected } = require('folktale/concurrency/future');
const inc = (x) => x + 1;
const dec = (x) => x - 1;
of(1).bimap(inc, dec).listen({
onResolved: (x) => $ASSERT(x == 0)
rejected(1).bimap(inc, dec).listen({
onRejected: (x) => $ASSERT(x == 2)
bimap(rejectionTransformation, successTransformation) {
let deferred = new Deferred(); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
onCancelled: () => deferred.cancel(),
onRejected: reason => deferred.reject(rejectionTransformation(reason)),
onResolved: value => deferred.resolve(successTransformation(value))
return deferred.future();